Christian Conduct, Part 1, November 6th, 2016

Christian Conduct, Part 1, November 6th, 2016



Central Thought: The Christian is led by the Spirit of God to be a righteous model to the world in all things.


Hymn: “When We Walk With the Lord”

Text: Daniel 6:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16; Romans 12:10-21



Today, we live in a world where evil is fast taking over in virtually every sphere of the society, and to live righteously is becoming old-fashioned to many. Evil is getting wider acceptance , and portends to be the norm in many climes.  People who profess Christianity are sometimes caught up in this web, trying to feel the action.  Genuine believers are terribly embarrassed by the response of peers and colleagues to issues of Godliness.  Despite all these, the child of God still remains the mirror, the salt, the light and the hope of the world that is speedily marching on the path of damnation.  He must shine as light on a table at night, and a city set on a hill.  His conduct and lifestyle is Holy Spirit-driven, and his focus is on eternity.



Lesson Objectives:

  1. To identify the guiding principles of Christian conduct.
  2. To give scriptural examples of good conduct.
  3. To identify conducts that the Christian must abhor.
  1. What are the guiding principles of Christian conduct?

There are principles that serve as benchmark to the child of God in his choices of conduct and lifestyle. Some of the prominent ones are listed below.

-The word of God.

This is the direct manual for human existence, put in place by God. It is our number one guide in our choices in live, Psalm 119:105; Hebrews 4:12.

-The nature of God.

We are expected to draw inference from God’s nature of love, holiness and justice, and to practice the same in our own lives, 1 Peter 1:15-16.

-The leading of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is our companion in all issues of life, to instruct and to guide us on the path that is pleasant to God. The Holy Spirit can never lead us to do contrary to the word of God, John 16:13; Romans 8:14.

-The conscience.

The conscience of a regenerated man is a positive force that ensures decency and godliness, Acts 24:16. For the unbeliever, the conscience is usually ruled by selfish desires.

These are some of the guiding principles behind the decisions of a Christian. As for the unbeliever his principles are usually governed by societal norms and personal interests.


  1. Give some scriptural examples of good conduct.

Here are a few examples of believers whose conduct were exemplary and worth emulating:

-Noah, Genesis 6:8-9. He was a just man who feared God, obeyed Him and was hardworking.

-Abraham, Genesis 12:1-5. He believed God tenaciously, was selfless, hospitable, Genesis 18:1-8, and obedient to God.

Joseph, Genesis 39:1-9. He was a talented youth, who know god and trusted in Him.  He was diligent in duty, God fearing and had a forgiving heart.

-Daniel, Daniel 1:8, 6:1-28. This was a man with disciplined appetite, intelligent, of few words, humble in authority, had an excellent spirit and whose loyalty to the king was dictated by the fear of God.

-Dorcas, Acts 9:36-39. She was a disciple at Joppa who was outstanding in good works, alms deeds and cared for the people.

-Timothy, Acts 16:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:5. He was a young minister who had Godly parentage, good public image, was faithful to God and Paul, and patient as a minister.


  1. Discuss some attitudes usually exhibited in improper conduct.

There are behaviors and habits that are commonly practiced and sometimes accepted by the society which are unedifying, vengeful, carnal and do not glorify God. These must be avoided at all costs so that our testimony can stand for God, and His name will be glorified through us.  Some of such behaviors include lies, such as signing of time book, exaggeration of events, flattery, social malpractice (elections and examinations), partial dealings, eye service, and misuse of official resources, immorality, idolatry, drunkenness, evil talks, bitterness, gluttony and disloyalty.  God is not glorified by any of these and many other behaviors of the same tendency.  However, the Christian is constrained by the Spirit of God to be a righteous example to the world in all things.



Daily Living Application:

Conduct and character reveal the quality of an inner self, and the level of regeneration of a Christian. Good Christian conduct brings transformation to our environment, glorifies the name of God and puts us in position to be influential.  It is the duty of every believer to pattern his lifestyle in such a way that he radiates the light of God to illuminate his environment.


Memory Verse:

Matthew 5:14 – “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid.”