Christian Women Fellowship


“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands”, Proverbs 14:1. The women of this ministry are builders, building the ministry, families, and everything Jesus puts in our hands. Our foundation is Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11). Jesus is the only one in all existence who is not faulty or unreliable; Jesus has never failed or lost a battle. For this very reason we build on Jesus, our rock and fortress. The women of Church of God Mission International understand our calling and the potential God has deposited in our lives. All women, no matter what age or color, who yield themselves to Christ, can be taught to build. There are no limits. Becoming a CWFI will transform willing women into leaders deeply rooted in Christ with a passion for souls and concern for the physical, mental, spiritual and healthy development of women and their children. We are positive that we will make an impact, reaching the world with the power of the Gospel.

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