CENTRAL THOUGHTThe one fervent in spirit easily responds to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. TEXT: ROM.12:9-16; EPH.2:10; TITUS 2:14.INTRODUCTION:Being fervent in spirit shows a life that is in constant and unbroken fellowship with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. This is motivated by his love for God and a desire to live to honor and please Him in all areas of life. Although one may not label oneself as being fervent in spirit, it can be manifested by one’s mode of life and actions. For instance, such person will be zealous in the services of the kingdom, not for show or eye service. His constant desire always is to be and do the will of God. He lives a life of holiness, contentment, humility and manifests the fruit of the Spirit. God is pleased with the one that is fervent in spirit because such life glorifies His name. LESSON OBJECTIVES Highlight some of the benefits of being & staying fervent in the Spirit. To state what the phrase “not slothful in business” means. Explain what the expression …”fervent in Spirit” means. Discuss how some believers are diligent in personal pursuit but slothful in the Lord’s business. Explain how some behaviors lead to spiritual degeneration. Discuss some...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTThe people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. TEXT: LUKE 10:14-19; ROM.6:11-14; 1 JOHN 4:4 INTRODUCTION:We live in a world where the activities of angels, demons and familiar spirits are manifest; for it is a world exposed to the influence of principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world. These forces influence the thoughts, actions, and behavior of the people.There is delegated authority, the right to use power as received and when needed. (Luke 10:17-19). Originally the right was given to Adam in the beginning (Gen.1:27-28), sold out to the devil, but fully restored through the Lord Jesus Christ. Hence it does not matter whether you are a child, an adolescent or fully grown but as a believer, you are equipped to exercise dominion over the powers of darkness.With the defeat of Satan, principalities and powers were also conquered and now the believer is raised up and made to sit together in heavenly places with Christ and live in His victory (Eph.2:6).This study focuses on our dominion and rights as children of God. LESSON OBJECTIVES To understand what dominion is. To identify the source of our dominion. To know how to maintain our dominion in Christ. BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) WHAT...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHT More knowledge of Jesus assures victory of storms of life. TEXT: PHIL.3:10-16; 2 COR.11:23-27 INTRODUCTION:In the first part of this study, we defined knowledge to include the condition of being familiar or acquainted with something or level of apprehension for some form of principles. We also observed that knowledge may be acquired through study, investigation, observation, or experience. To know Christ means to experience the new birth, be in communion and fellowship with the Lord and be part of the totality of the mission of Christ. It is theresponsibility of everyone (babes and adults in Christ) to seek to know Him more perfectly. We also identified faith, increasing knowledge of the word of God, the Holy Spirit’s enabling power, Humility, obedience, and Holiness as essential factors for us to grow in the knowledge of Christ. In this second part we shall focus on the denials and benefit associated with knowing Christ. LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. To identify some denials associated with knowing Christ. 2. To discuss the implications of desiring to know Christ more. 3. To list the benefits of knowing Christ. BIBLE TRUTH:QUESTION 1) IDENTIFY SOME DENIALS ASSOCIATED WITH KNOWING CHRIST.MATT.24:9-10; 2 COR.11:23-27; 12:10.Knowing Christ and His ways brings about a life ofsubmission to His Lordship. Christ...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHT Knowing Christ and His ways brings down God’s presence. TEXT: PHIL. 3:10-16; EPH.1:17-19. INTRODUCTION: Knowledge is the condition of being familiar or acquainted with something through experience or association. It involves understanding the principles through study, investigation, observation, or experience. To know means to be in possession of exclusive knowledge or to be well-informed of an issue or matter.Paul, in his letter to the church in Philippi, declares his desire to know Him (Christ)… This is a statement of surprise coming from someone we think has experienced God so much that he ought to have had enough knowledge of Him. Rather he emphasizes the need to know more of Jesus and His ministry until the ultimate is achieved, which is to become Christ-like and win the prize of heaven.This first part of the study focuses on the meaning, and desired personal qualities in knowing Christ at all times by every believer. LESSON OBJECTIVES 1. To explain what it means to “know Him”. 2. To identify those that should seek to know Christ. 3. To list some qualities that will aid the believer to know Christ better. 4. To identify the ultimate goal in knowing Christ. BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO KNOW CHRIST? JN.3:3;...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTAs we remain yielded to the Lord, His glorious plans for our lives unfold like the sunflower at sunrise. TEXT: JOSHUA 1:1-9 INTRODUCTION:It is a certainty that the Lord has a good and purposeful plan for all of humanity, but the realization of this plan by the individual requires the cooperation and obedience. The plan is encapsuled in the work of redemption by which the Lord Jesus Christ took the place of the sinful man in an agonizing death on the cross. That sacrificial work is summarized in the all-too-popular verse of the Bible: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). When an individual accepts Christ and repents from the sin, the plan of God embedded in this work of Grace begins to unfold. At first, there is the experience of inner peace and profound joy which overtakes the burden that arises from sin. Then as we continue in a walk of obedience, other aspects of the plan of God begin to unfold. If it is in full-time Christian service, the Lord opens doors of ministry with excellent results. If it is in a profession or career or...
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