CENTRAL THOUGHT Christian birthright constitutes the believer’s privileges and inheritance in Christ. TEXT: GENESIS 25:29-34, 49:1-4, HEBREWS 12:16- 17 INTRODUCTION: Birthright is defined as a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled to as a result of his birth position in a family. Birthright is customary in many communities in the world. It is esteemed to be a natural law in those customs or communities. However, birthright could be forfeited by a beneficiary as a result of such person’s attitude towards it, or irresponsible character the family may adjudge unworthy of any one in such position. In this study we shall be looking at how Esau and Reuben who lost their birthright, and the lessons we can derive from them. LESSON OBJECTIVES The objectives of this lesson are to: Know the privileges and rights of every first born in Israel. Consider the values Esau placed on his birthright and how he sold it Identify the natural and spiritual blessings Esau consequently lost in the process. Understand who Reuben was and how he lost his birth right and Identify the position, right and privilege of the New Testament believers and how some Christians sell their birth right today. BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) WHAT ARE THE PRIVILEGES AND...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTHumility is a virtue to be possessed by all believers. TEXT: MATT. 11:28-29, LUKE 14:7-11, PHIL. 2:1-7 INTRODUCTION:This lesson deals with humility as a pathway to glory. It is often said that the way up is down; the way to receive is by giving, the way to the crown is through the cross; the way to get is by letting go and the way to life is by dying! Although they seem ironic, these statements are true and can be substantiated from the Bible. Similarly, the way to exaltation or the pathway to glory is the way of humility. Humility is defined in the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary as the “quality of not thinking that you are better than other people; the quality of being humble”. This definition is true and certainly can only find full expression in a life completely yielded to the LORD Jesus. As revealed in scripture, humility is an attitude of the mind (Col. 3:12, Acts 20:19); a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22) and a way to honor and riches (Prov. 22:4). Thus, humility is an attribute expected of the believer and truly any believer who chooses to go the way of humility has chosen the path to greatness and honor. LESSON OBJECTIVESIt...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTObedience to God guarantees a happy Christian life and God’s blessings. TEXT: PHIL. 2:5-12, GEN. 12:1-4 INTRODUCTION:This study focuses on “The pathway to Glory”. Many people desire to “make it” in life. They want to have notable achievements in their careers, businesses, and marriage and also in the ministry etc. The first part of this study is on obedience. A heart and an attitude of obedience remains a bedrock on the pathway to success and glory in life. Obedience is the key that opens all of God’s promises to the individual. Obedience may be defined as the willingness to do what one is asked or required to do; that is, one willingly submits to and carries out the instructions of someone. Biblically, obedience means total submission to God’s will, authority, and command. It implies willingness/yieldedness of the individual to submit to, carrying out God’s instruction, and will. The natural man is arrogant, self-willed, self-centered and disobedient. Such individuals find it very difficult to submit to authority. Some even want to be independent of God not willing to obey His instructions. However, every believer must willingly obey God. When we disobey Him, we are showing disregard and mistrust for Him and the consequence may be very great. “There is...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTThe True Shepherd loves and cares for the sheep. TEXT: JOHN 10:1-2, ACTS 20:28 INTRODUCTION:When the Lord Jesus died on the cross, “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and earth did quake, and the rocks rent” (Mt. 27:51). This veil was at the entrance of the Holy of Holies into which the high priest alone went once a year toatone for the sins of the people. (Heb. 9:2-9). The rending of the veil signified that each believer now could have personal access to God (Heb. 9:8; 10:19-23; Eph. 2:14-18) and that the middle wall of partition between Jews and Gentiles was broken (Eph. 2:14-18).Every believer in Christ therefore belongs to His body, the church, of which He is the Head and Shepherd. The LORD is the Good shepherd who willingly laid down His life for the sheep.By His divine arrangement, the Lord has ordained (approved) that people should act as leaders of His church on earth. Such persons pastoring or overseeing such assemblies on His behalf are the shepherds of such congregations. They are in effect under shepherdsserving under the leadership of the LORD Himself who is the Good and Great Shepherd of the Church. Certain qualities are expected...
Learn MoreCENTRAL THOUGHTGuard your heart and refuse to be discouraged. TEXT: 1 SAM 30:1-8, 2 COR.11:23-33INTRODUCTION:Discouragement according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary is the feeling of having lost hope or confidence. It has also been defined as the loss of motivation to press forward. It is one of the situations that we may experience in life. It has also been said that discouragement is one of the most devasting emotions known to man. It comes in different forms since the reasons for discouragement and situations differ for people, though there are common features that result in discouragement. It is a tool of the devil (2 Cor. 2:11). Any form/means by which discouragement comes, how it is handled is very important. Ifdiscouragement is not properly handled like the withering effect of a scorching wind, it can leave us weak, helpless, and fruitless. In this study, we shall examine the effects of discouragement and how it can be overcome. LESSON OBJECTIVESAt the end of this study, we trust God to enable us to know the following: The effects of discouragement. The believer’s role towards a discouraged brother/sister. How we can overcome discouragement. BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) DISCUSS THE EFFECTS OF DISCOURAGEMENT?The effect of discouragement on an individual is mostly negative and they are numerous....
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