We believe that the holy bible in its entirety is the inspired word of God and only infallible rule of faith; we hold the word of God to be the only authority in all matters and hold to the fact that no doctrine can be true if it does not find a place in God’s word the bible. 2Timothy 3:16
We believe in GOD, the FATHER almighty, is the author and creator of all things. Genesis 1:1
We believe that JESUS CHRIST was and is eternal in HIS person and nature as the SON of GOD who was with GOD in the beginning OF TIME AND IN CREATION and that JESUS CHRIST IS GOD. Genesis 1:26, John 1:1
WE believe in the miracle of the virgin birth of JESUS CHRIST. Matthew 1:20-21
WE believe that JESUS CHRIST came to reconcile man back to the father, through the sacrifice of JESUS CHRIST death on the cross; and the blood JESUS CHRIST SHEDED upon the cross. 2 Corinthians 5:19
WE believe that JESUS CHRIST became the “SUFFERING SERVANT”; through HIS death on the cross. Galatians 6:14
WE believe in the resurrection of JESUS CHRIST; that took place on the third day. 1Corinthians 15:4
WE believe that JESUS CHRIST is sitting at the right hand of the FATHER; as the mediator between GOD and MAN. Hebrews 9:15
WE believe no man shall see the FATHER; unless they come by way of JESUS CHRIST. John 14:6
We believe in the Second Coming of JESUS CHRIST as literal and visible as His first ascension to heaven. Acts 1:9-11
WE believe in the DIVINE TRINITY- 2Corinthians 13:14
WE believe that the HOLY SPIRIT is the THIRD PERSON of the TRINITY; THE FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. John 20:21-23
WE believe that the HOLY SPIRIT is of the SAME SUBSTANCE of the FATHER and THE SON; HAVING the SAME POWER and AUTHORITY. John 16:13-15
WE believe the HOLY SPIRIT is a gift; given from GOD empowering believers to live a sin free life- Hebrews 2:4
WE believe baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT is an experience subsequent to conversion and sanctification. Acts 22:16
WE believe in the baptism in the HOLY SPIRIT with the evidence of speaking in tongues and in the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT listed in. I Corinthians 12:8-10
WE believe the HOLY SPIRIT teaches and guides believers; making them effective witnesses of GODS truth. Acts 1:8
WE believe in HOLY BAPTISMS. And that God empowers believers to be effective witnesses of his OMNIPOTENT PRESENCE and POWER manifested through signs and wonders. Mark 16:15-18
WE believe MAN was shapen in iniquity and in sin was he/she conceived. Psalms 51:5
WE believe MAN must be born again. John 3:3
WE believe this is done through confession and believing in the lord and savior JESUS CHRIST. Romans 10:9-10
WE believe in Repentance toward GOD. Acts 3:19
WE believe in Restoration. Luke 19:8- 9
WE believe in Justification and Regeneration. Galatians 3:8, Timothy 3:5
WE believe in Sanctification (holiness). 1 Thessalonians 4:3
WE believe in divine healing and that healing is included in the atonement. Luke 4:18
WE believe in Eternal Heaven and Eternal Hell. Revelation 14:10-11
We believe in Monogamy and that marriage is binding for life, (MATTHEW 19:4-6) and marriage is between A MAN AND A WOMAN any other form or kind of marriage outside this is an abomination before the almighty GOD. If the unbelieving husband or wife departs, I Corinthians 7:15 applies. God hates divorce. Malachi 2:16
WE believe in water baptism by immersion. Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 8:38-39
WE believe JESUS instituted the Lord’s Supper and it should be observed. 1 Corinthians 11:23-24
WE believe in tithing to prove GOD’S power in supply. Malachi 3:7-10
WE believe salvation is the application of the work of redemption –Romans 3:24 to the sinner giving way to Restoration. Acts 3:21, Divine Favor- Proverbs 8:35, and Communion with GOD. 2 Corinthians 13:14
WE believe miracles are extraordinary visible acts of divine power wrought by the works of GOD- Acts 19:11; they do occur even today where CHRIST is PREACHED and FAITH in JESUS CHRIST is exercised
WE believe GOD’S ministers to be a Flame of Fire- Hebrews 1:7