Central Thought: Effective Follow up is essential for true Discipleship.
Hymn: Guide me O Thou great Jehovah
Text: Matthew 13:24-27, Acts 15:36
An expectant mother adequately prepares for the care of her expected baby before delivery. The mother begins from the first day to ensure that the baby is fed with the appropriate food that will make it grow to maturity. In the same way a new convert (a newly born again believer) can be likened to a new-born baby and has to be cared for. There is need to pay attention to the process of helping our new converts to become matured Christians, using every good means possible to ensure that this is achieved. A good follow-up goes a long way to determine the stability of a new convert. A person who is well tutored in the word of God and tenet of his/her new faith and belief at the beginning is likely to be more serious in his/her walk with the Lord Jesus. So we will in this study, examine what effective follow up entails, and how it will enhance discipleship.
Lesson Objectives:
- To enlighten our minds on what follow up entails.
- To rekindle and reawaken in us the attitude to effective follow-up.
- Acknowledge the benefits of effective follow up.
Question 1.A) What is follow up?
Follow up in the context of our study, is a systematic program put together to enable a new convert understand what his/her new found faith entails. This usually includes teaching the new convert the Basics of our faith, visitations, prayers, counseling, words of encouragement and ensuring that the individual is involved in regular fellowship with the Lord and the brethren. The exercise starts from when the individual accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior and continues until such individual is considered to have understood the tenet of the Christian faith.
Question 1.B.1) Who else should be followed up?
In our discussion above we referred to new converts as persons who should be followed up. In a broader sense, there are some old members in the church who should be followed up in addition to new converts- those who have become weak in faith as a result of series of persecutions, temptations and other life challenges. Such brethren should be followed up to reassure them that God still loves them and is interested in their well-being.
Question 1.B.2) Who should do the follow up?
As much as it is advisable to have a follow-up group in a church, every genuine Christian who is interested in the welfare of other members and the growth of the church, should engage in follow up exercise. The scripture enjoins all Christians to be their brothers’ keepers (Romans 15:1, 2, Galatians 6:2, Philippians 2:4). In addition, any believer who engages in witnessing/evangelism should of necessity follow-up his/her converts.
Question 1C.) Why is it necessary to do follow up?
Matthew 13:18-21, 24-26
Reasons abound why we should do follow up.
- To enable new converts fully understand the decision they have made.
- That the word they have received will take root in them.
- To enable them stand in the face of trials/challenges.
- That they may be able to confess Jesus boldly in the presence of their old friends, and every one.
- That they will not be deceived by false teachers.
- That they may fully understand/acknowledge/appreciate their rights and privileges in Christ.
- To enable them hold their faith to the end.
Question 2.A) What should constitute an effective follow up?
An effective follow up involves regular visitation and personal interaction with the one being followed up. There should be a planned series of bible teachings that should help the individual to understand the lessons easily. Prayer is a fundamental requirement for effective follow up. Counsel and words of encouragement are no less needful. Regular fellowship with other brethren should not be neglected. “Iron sharpeneth Iron”. This may also include personal sacrifices of resources (time, money, talent etc.) and may translate into provision of Bible’s, clothing, Christian literature etc. Apart from the individual’s effort, the needs and challenges of the person being followed up must be brought to the attention of the church/fellowship.
Question 2.B.) What are the obstacles to effective follow up?
Disagreement among the brethren doing the follow up could be a great obstacle- “can two walk together except they be agreed” Lack of interest is another obstacle. This could be on the part of the one doing the follow up or the one being followed up. Ignorance of the word of God on how follow up should be done can also hinder the work. Inconsistency and failure in keeping appointment is another common obstacle. Unwillingness to forgo some pleasures and inability to make sacrifices are common obstacles in some cases. When we fully understand the joy derivable as we successfully follow up an individual, and the final reward of such service offered to the Lord, nothing should hinder us from being involved in follow up.
Question 3.) What are the benefits of effective follow up?
A good and effective follow up produces strong and faithful Christians who are bold to stand for Jesus and shine as light which they are, in the world. Because of their knowledge of whom they are and what they stand to gain at the end, they will not be ashamed to declare their faith in God before men and their lives will bring glory to God.
The individual being followed up is able to grow in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. He is no longer a stranger but a member of the family of God.
Those involved in the follow up have a sense of fulfilled joy and satisfaction; their labor of love will be rewarded.
Any effective follow up also contributes to the growth and strength of the church both numerically and spiritually.
Daily Living Application:
Some person who just started the Christian race and even old members of the church can face discouragement at one time or the other as a result of the activities of the enemy, by sowing the seed of doubt and unbelief in their minds or through persecution and other life challenges. Such situation can seriously affect the person’s faith negatively if care and proper follow up is not done. It therefore behooves on the other members of the church to do the necessary follow up. We are all encouraged to see follow up and care for one another, as part and parcel of our Christian calling. “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness ….. (Galatians 6:1).
Memory Verse:
Acts 15:36
“….Let us go again and visit our brethren in every city where we have preached the word of the Lord and see how they do”