Central Thought:
The coming of the Lord is at hand!
Text: Matthew 24:3-51; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 4:3-4; 1 Peter 4:7
At the fall of man, god promised that the “seed of the woman” will crush the head of Satan, NIV. With time, the prophets gave more details about the fist coming of Jesus Christ, Isaiah 53:1-12.
However, at the time the promise was fulfilled, the religious order of the day was caught unawares. Their expectation of Messiah was blurred by personal bias, opinions and the political state of Israel. They expected a political deliverer. God may not have told them exactly when Christ would come but the circumstances of His birth, life, ministry and death were clearly spelled out but “…the world did not recognize Him when He came”, John 1:10b NLT.
Jesus is coming soon. Again, the events that will signal His second coming and the end of the age are clearly taught in scriptures. We must be prepared, lest we should be taken unawares. “for you know very well that the day of the LORD will come like a in then night. While people are saying “peace and safety”, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape”, 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3
In this study, we will examine the signs of the end time. It is our prayer that the Lord will keep us all awake and alert at His coming. Amen.
Lesson Objectives:
- To understand the events that will herald the end of the age.
- To understand the effects these events will have on men.
- To state how believers must handle the events of the last days.
Bible Truths:
1. Identify the events that will herald the end of the age.
- Spiritual Events, Matthew 24:4, 9-12, 24; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 2 Timothy 4:3-4.
The last days, which we are already in, will be characterized by deception. There will be an unusual emphasis on signs and wonders, many of which will be performed by false teachers and prophets to draw men after themselves. The Bible says that the deception and the greatness of these lying signs and wonders will be such as to deceive even the elect – if that were possible! Matthew 24:24.
Secondly, “the love of most will grow cold”. The love of Christ will grow cold in the church and be replaced by love of self, money and pleasure. Men will have a form of godliness but their lives will be the exact opposite of the teachings of Christ. They will troop to churches with leaders that tell them what they want to hear. The emphasis of the gospel will shift from Christ to self, money and pleasure. As a result of this, those who stand firm will be ridiculed, persecuted, treated as out dated, not dynamic and not in touch with the times. We must watch out!
However, despite, the negative events “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations”, Matthew 24:14. The days we are in have witnessed the greatest push in preaching the gospel ever. On radio, TV, satellite, on the internet, in villages… everywhere the gospel is being preached. At times, the motives are wrong, but prophesy is being fulfilled; it is for a “testimony to all nations”. We must align with this and put our money and energy in it. This must be done before the end comes.
- Political events, Matthew 24:6-7
The world has witnessed more wars, deaths and destruction in the past 100 years than it did in the preceding years. This is worsening. “Wars and rumors of wars”. Civil strife, terrorist attacks and outright wars between nations. Such must happen, the Lord says, but the end is still to come. The events in the Middle East should be watched with a keen interest by the believers; as these will herald the end of the age.
- Economic events, Matthew 24:7
Currently, even the world’s economic powers are experiencing economic recessions. Famines continue to ravage a large segment of the world’s population especially in Africa. Famine speaks of want, a state of helplessness and lack of the basic necessities of life. It is obvious that much of the world’s population live in this state.
2. How will men react to these events? 1 Timothy 4:1-3, 2 Timothy 3:1-5; Luke 21:34
The events of the last days will cause the hearts of men to faint and be filled with anxiety. They will live in fear with no hope for the future. Naturally, this will make those who do not fear God to do all needed to survive. Hence, men will pursue after money at all cost, corruption will become the norm and crime will increase. In a bid to soothe their troubled, fearful and depressed hearts they will be given to the pursuit of drunkenness and all manner of pleasure, but these will not help as the situation will continually worsen as they watch all they trusted in crumble.
3. How should believers handle the events of the last days?
- the believer must stand firm, remain focused, keep a clear mind of what the Christian faith is. Matthew 24:13-14; 1 Peter 4:7; Jude 3.
Our Brother Jude urges us to take a steadfast stand for the faith and not to shift ground. This must reflect in what we believe and the principles that guide our lives. We must have a thorough understanding of Scripture and be what we believe. Our Christian lives are to be shaped by the word of God and not by the teachings of a teacher, Pastor, Bishop, “Fire spitting” preacher or whatever, if we cannot find a basis in the scripture of what he/she says.
The Apostle Peter writing to Christians like us, faced by the threat of false teachers, gave a blue print for “wholesome thinking”: that they should recall the words spoken in the past by the prophets and the command given by our Lord and Savior Through the Apostles. Christian teaching must be based on the teachings/life of our Lord Jesus Christ and as taught in the epistles or seen in the lives of the early apostles. It must not be based on the “expert” interpretation of an isolated verse or phrase in Scripture, 2 Peter 3:1-2
- The believer must not be moved by signs and wonders. Matthew 24:25-28
Signs and wonders are a part of the gospel and must be appreciated but they follow those that believe, Mark 16:17-18. We are not told to follow after or seek after signs and wonders anywhere in the scripture; must test every spirit. We must not follow a man of God merely because miracles happen in his ministry. We must closely examine his life and doctrine. “…by their fruit you shall know them”. For example, if it is all miracles, healings but we do not find tangible evidence of the fruits of the Spirit in the preacher’s life or that of his followers, we may be dealing with a false teacher. Remember that the Lord said, Matthew 7:21-23, “On that day many shall say to me, did we not prophesy and…work miracles in your name. But I will say to them depart from me you evildoers, I NEVER KNEW YOU.” Miracles are not a true measure of a man’s life or ministry.
- The believer must never give in to the anxieties of life or fear. Luke 21:34
The believer must remind himself that he is not of this world and his life or future is not tied to the events of the world. He must remind himself that the Father loves him and has plans for him/her. He plans to give him a future and a hope. God will bring His purpose to pass irrespective of the political or economic events of the times, Jeremiah 29:11.
- The believer should give himself wholly to the work of the Lord. Matthew 24:45-51
Each believer is a steward of the human, material and spiritual resources bestowed on him by the Lord. Some callings may have a greater outward glory than others. What matters to God is that we are faithful. We must maintain the fear of the Lord in our hearts and give ourselves to the preaching of the gospel and whatever service we provide in the body of Christ as men that will account soon.
- The believer should avoid getting involved in controversies on the hour or timing of Christ’s coming. Those who do so are not wise, Matthew 24:36
Dailey Living Application
The Bible says there will be perilous times in the last days. While those around us live in fear and their hearts fail them, we should be like “…Mount Zion which cannot be moved”. We must keep our focus on Christ, be watchful and be faithful in the Lord’s work. We must remind ourselves that the Lord will establish all that concerns us, not the government, not the economy.
Memory Verse:
Matthew 24:12-13 – “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”