Blessed are the congregations and ministries whose leaders are men and women truly called by God.


Text: Ezekiel 34:1-10; Eph. 4:7-12; 1Cor. 12:28


The part 2 of this lesson continues with some characteristics associated with the major calls by God.

The need to differentiate between the call of God and the seeming “call” of man cannot be more appropriate today than ever before as there is this deliberate attempt to swop one for the other. This has led to the tragedy of the time; where it is those in “specific calls” position that ought to seek and appoint people into “service calls” positions. Now, it is the other way around and some even make appointments and some even appoint themselves. Thus, God’s Hand is removed from the entire process and the mechanization of ordinations is the most obvious evidence today.


The objectives of this study are:

  1. To understand the place of “service chiefs” Deacons, bishops, group leaders, etc., in the work force of God.
  2. To identify some of the consequences of not understanding our call in God.
  3. To discuss the likely benefits of understanding our calls in God.


  1. Evangelist

“ And God have set some in the church,… teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings…” (1Cor. 12:28). These are assigned the special responsibility of extending the frontiers of the Christian faith, demonstrate the reality of the power resident in the name of the risen Christ. The office of the in evangelist is, therefore come on authenticated by the following:

  1. The call is specific and made by God, not man (2Tim. 1:11);
  2. The evangelist is extremely sensitive to the leading of the spirit of God in matters of where, when and how for all his outreach programs: crusade, open air meetings, etc. (Acts 16:6-10). They are, therefore, not entirely regimented to one particular denomination even though they must have their home base church.
  3. Their follow up program is usually skillful and detailed (Acts 15:36, 14:21-23), including the authority to ordain elders to run a local church.
  4. They are enabled by the power gifts of the Holy Ghost such as faith gifts of healings and working of miracles (1Cor.12:9-10), to demonstrate, only consistent basis, that they are representatives of the God of heaven in such places.

2. Pastor

“And God have set some in the churches,… helps, governments, diversity’s of tongues” (1Cor.12:28). This is a very important group of brethren charged with the primary responsibility of sheepherding the flock in all ramifications. The pastor is the “little Apostle”, the immediate accounting officer to God of his efforts to keep the flock entrusted to his care. The true pastor is therefore identified by the following characteristics, among others:

  1. The call is from God, not by men. Unambiguous. Not circumstantial. Not economy driven.
    • Pastors feed the flock, not to feed on them (John 22:15-17). Feeding should not be “… with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in the demonstration of the Spirit and power…” (1Cor. 2:4-5).
    • The pastor preserves the flock (John 17:12). He cares for the Church (2Cor. 11-28).
    • The pastor assesses himself by the frightful Ezekiel 34:1-10 declarations which read in parts “…woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock? Ye eat the fat and ye clothe thee with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost, but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. And they were scattered … and became meat to all the beast of the field…” (Please read the whole account).
    • The pastor is readily available for service.
    • Genuine shepherds would be enabled by all the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

3. Deacons, Bishops, Elders, and Leaders of other service arms of the church.

These generally are “service” positions designed to aid the administration of the local church and/ or ministry. They are NOT direct calls from God. The process of choice is two-fold, namely:

  • They are first chosen by the functional group they intend to serve through a process of internal democracy but guided by the attributes of:
    • Acts6:1-3 “… men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom”
    • 1 Timothy 3:1-13 in which the private, public, and family lifestyles are rigorously evaluated in addition to a reasonable standard of Christian maturity.
  • All that survive step (a) above are recommended to the apostle for our appointment/ ordination (Acts 6:6, 14:23)


The consequences are obviously grave on the individual, the church/ flock, and work of God. To the individual who does not understand his/ her call in God angles about to our arrogate to himself/ herself, positions/ titles NOT given by God expressly, such a one runs the risk of attempting to operate in someone else’s place, unknown and unacceptable to God, no matter the seeming and apparent success. The result would be in effort in vain a reward in a very “terse” language of “…I never knew you: depart for me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:21-23).

To the flock that has no shepherd, even though does that pretend to be their shepherd on the ground, the result will be “… And they were scattered, because there is no shepherd: and became meat to all the beast of the field, when they were scattered” (Ezekiel 34:5). It becomes a case of the survival of the fittest (jungle law), and all unimaginable sorts of evil can befall the flock. Unfortunately, that captures the situation today in many denominations and churches- General disenfranchisement, a very palpable sense of insecurity in terms of direct threats to physical lives and property, with the attendance drop in numerical strength and zeal. Thus, the flock is under an understandable siege, within and without. Within, it is constant infighting and perpetual conflict with its self over recognition and access to the collective wealth of the church, all because there is no shepherd. Without, the wolves and all sorts of predators afflict the flock at will and take away some of the “choicest” and “fattest” of the flock without any resistance.

Concerning the work of God, it is only the owner of the work (the Lord Himself) that would give the exact extent of the damage. But physical signs of the disdain and distrust the general public seems to exhibit towards the church are a clear evidence of an increasing resistance to the propagation of God’s work.


May God give us a scenario where all founders and heads of ministries are apostles by the calling of God. Then we would experience the work of God along very focused and defined lines in the hands of the leaders that hear directly from God and NOT from man. Leaders who would so easily fits into an function in any of the subordinate capacities of the prophets, teachers, evangelist and pastors if any of these is inadvertently unavailable. We would have a leadership that will make “full proof” of his ministry by abundant apostolate signs, wonders, and mighty deeds predicated on righteousness and holiness. The result will be a very confident fellowship and church.

The prophets would function as “seers” and in the mist of controversy and confusion would be able to say with specificity and exactitude, (2 Kings 7:1) “Thus, saith the Lord…”

The teachers will teach dispassionately as the oracles of God, “rightly dividing the word of truth” without fear or favor. We would have a set of teachers who are desirous of leading us safely to heaven and would resist anything otherwise by fearlessly “contending for the faith that was once delivered onto the Saints” (Jude 3)

Then we will have evangelist, not in name but in deeds. They will be able to hear directly from God that “Macedonia” is ripe for the gospel and therefore site a crusade that would eventually lead to the birth of a new branch or a likely existing mission and thereby expanding the gospel of Christ.

And graciously, we would have shepherds (pastors) that would be willing and happy to feed, protect, heal and love the flock instead of killing them (Ezekiel 34:1-10; Acts 20:28; John 10:11). We would have pastors whose God would need to be their “belly” nor “mind” without earthly  things (Philippians3:18-19); pastor will make sacrifices for us to have the local church as a place of worship indeed. Then our service chiefs (deacons, elders, bishop) would understand that they are appointed to serve the brethren. As the service chiefs served in love, the church will be united, grow in the knowledge of Christ and stand for Faith.

Finally, we would then have brethren who have a stake in their Church and the sense of collective responsibility and “ownership” for this success and growth of their local branch. The presence of God in the congregation will be obvious by signs, wonders, and miracles.

Daily Living Application

The call of God is a privileged assignment to man, from God, with a defined scope and the necessary equipment. The general call is the mandate upon each believer in Christ Jesus. Also, the specific calls and “service” positions do require faithfulness. Therefore, let each of us believers in Christ endeavor to fulfill our call or ministry; the time is short.

Memory Verse:

Ephesians 4:7

“But onto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.”

Daily Devotional Guide:

Monday: Every born-again holy spirit filled Child of God has a call from him.

Mark 16:15– 20; John 15:16.

Tuesday: The five-fold offices or made by God for special ministries with the apostle as the head.

Ephesians 4: 7 – 10; Galatians 1:1.

Wednesday: Deacons, elders, bishop’s, Google leaders etc. Or service chiefs chosen by the people according to spiritual guidelines and appointed by the apostles.

Acts 6:1-6; 1 Tim 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9

Thursday: At whatever level of call, be faithful.

Romans 12: 3-8.

Friday: Know your genuine shepherds: honor, obey and care for them.

Ezekiel 34:1-10; 1 Tim 5:17; Heb. 13:17.

Saturday: Fulfill your ministry.

Col 3:12, 2 Tim 4:5