God will answer and heal our land if we faithfully intercede for our country.

HYMN: What A Friend We Have In Jesus.

TEXT: Dan. 9:1-27.


To intercede means to act as peace maker between persons, groups or nations. In the context of this study, to intercede refers to the act of making earnest pleas to God on behalf of the nation. It includes realizing that the nation has fallen short of God’s standard or expectation and asking God to have mercy.

     It should be said that only people who know God and belong to Him are qualified to intercede.

     The examples of people recorded in the Bible who interceded show that they are those who know God and appreciate the value of intercession or prayer to God on behalf of the people. People of God like Moses (Num.14:11-20), Ezra (Ezra 9:1), Esther (Esther 4:12-17), Daniel (Dan.9), and others

were notable intercessors in their days. Jesus Christ interceded for the Church ( Jn 17) and His ministry of intercession continues forever (Heb.7:25).

     It is only pertinent to say that a major duty of every child of God is to intercede for the nation. The purpose and importance of intercession are clearly spelt out in 2 Chron.7:13-14. God will surely intervene in any unpleasant situation in our nation if Christians will intercede faithfully. National calamity, catastrophe, epidemics and even war can be averted when the children of God pray to God in faith and with earnestness. In interceding for the nation, we are in essence praying for all sorts and conditions of people in our land.


The objectives of this study are:

  1. To explain the meaning of intercession.
  2. To appreciate the importance of interceding for the nation.
  3. To identify the qualifications of an intercessor.
  4. To identify the hinderances to effective intercession and how to overcome them.
  5. To develop a consistent life of intercession.



Intercession means pleading the case of someone before another with the intent of obtaining favor and making peace. In the context of our study, intercession would mean making a plea to God on behalf of a person, group or nation. Anyone who pleads on behalf of another is interceding for that other person. In 1 Tim.2:1-2, intercession is mentioned as one of the ways of talking to God on behalf of all men. A priest is a type of intercessor since he pleads for the people before God. Jesus Christ who is our great high priest is the greatest intercessor both while He was on earth and even now, “since He always lives to make intercession for those who draw near to God through Him” (Heb.7:25). In his time, Daniel interceded for the people of God with regard to what God has said to Jeremiah the Prophet concerning the nation of Israel. We too can be intercessors in our time concerning the issues that plague man in our world.


2 Chron.7:14; Prov.14:34; 1 Tim.2:1-4

Praying or interceding for the nation can bring about God’s forgiveness, healing, and peace to the people. Intercession can cause righteousness to reign in the land. This will make the nation to find favor in the sight of God, thus making the people in the country to enjoy God’s blessing; both material and spiritual. Intercession for the nation will bring about God-fearing rulers and leaders who will serve the people selflessly. This in turn will bring joy to the people and will make the society conducive for economic, political, and social progress and development. Intercession for the people will make God to touch the hearts of kings and all those in authority, making them to love and fear Him. Evil will be reduced in the society and people will live their lives in peace and safety. Intercession will bring about the salvation of many people because God desires all men to be saved. Honesty, Godliness, and truth, which at the moment are hard to come by in our country will then become the watch word.


The first qualification is to be born again, for, only then can their prayers be effective, being inspired by the Holy Spirit. The intercessor must have the genuine love of God so as to be able to pray selflessly. A good knowledge of the word is also essential, for only then can intercession be made according to the will of God. Another important quality is to be free from sin, since the Bible says that God does not hear the prayer of sinners except their plea for forgiveness. Of course, without faith, intercessory prayer is useless because the intercessor cannot please God to whom the plea is being made on behalf of another. That would mean starting off on a “wrong foot.” To be effective, an intercessor must be a person who believes that God is and that He is a rewarder of them who diligently seek Him. (Heb.11:6). He or she must have the necessary burden and compassion, otherwise the prayers will be shallow or ineffective. The intercessor must be humble and unassuming; otherwise, he will be despised by God. He must always be filled and controlled by the Holy Spirit so that he or she can perceive the situation from God’s perspective. Futher-more, it is the Holy Spirit that helps us over our personal problems and to pray as we ought. In fact, He makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered. (Rom.8:26).

     The intercessor must not be cynical or critical, otherwise he will not pray effectively, and if he prays, his prayers are likely to be biased. Instead of criticizing leaders or those in authority, a good intercessor will rather take them to the Lord in prayer.


Daniel, as a student of the word of God, studied the prophecy in Jeremiah 25:11-12, where he understood that God had said the captivity of the children of Israel in Babylon would last for 70 years. As the interval has now expired, Daniel being a dedicated man of God and one who loved his people began to fast and pray. He earnestly pleaded with God to end the captivity and send them back to their own land.

     He started by acknowledging the greatness and faithfulness of God. He then went on to spend a considerable time in confessing their sins and asking God for forgiveness. Daniel knew the word of God; he believed it so much that he took steps to see its fulfillment. To be able to intercede and know how to direct our prayers, we need to know what the Bible says concerning the issue in question. Daniel was selfless, fervent, and committed. He did not only pray (which was enough demonstration of a life fully committed to a cause), he also fasted, which was an act of self-denial and sacrifice. As interested intercessors, we must be ready to go to such extent in interceding for the nation. Also, Daniel did not exclude himself when he confessed the sins of his country even though he might not have been involved in the sins. He identified with his people and in humility, confessed their sin to God. He did not exhibit a “holier than thou” attitude. If our intercession for our nation is to have a desired result, we need to humble ourselves before God and not show that we are better than others. In view of Daniel’s fervency, humility and selflessness, his prayers were answered even while he was still praying (verses 20-23). Daniel only prayed to God, he did not criticize anybody; he did not complain, neither did he point accusing fingers. No wonder God did not delay in answering his prayers.


A person who is living in sin cannot intercede effectively. A holy life is essential because God does not hear the prayer of sinners except one that is a plea for forgiveness according to God’s will.

     Ignorance of the word of God and of the things that are happening in the country can hinder effective intercession. The intercessor for the nation must know the word of God and be abreast with current happenings. He should be able to relate current events with the word of God. Remembering that most of the major economic, political and social events in the world today are a fulfillment of prophecy, knowledge of them will enable one to pray with more relevance. One who is not abiding in the Lord will not be an effective intercessor. “ If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.” (Jn. 15:7).

     Wrong motives can also hinder effective intercession. We must ensure that we have the right motives or prayers as we have seen from Daniel’s intercessory prayers.

     Faithlessness, doubt and unbelief are some of the most potent hinderances to prayers and they should be avoided if we expect answers to prayers. Criticism can also be a hinderance if it is not constructive because it could cause one to be biased. Although it is difficult to avoid criticism especially with leaders, for instance, those who are doing what is clearly unpopular and repulsive, yet we should recognize that the devil may be behind such actions. Our prayers should be appropriately directed.

     Other hinderances include pride, arrogance, indifference and a general prayerlessness disposition. These can be overcome through self-discipline and a recognition of one’s responsibility as a Christian.


The first thing is to recognize the importance of intercessory prayers by drawing inspiration from men and women of God whose prayers of intercession have brought about healing, forgiveness, deliverance, salvation, and fulfillment. One outstanding source of challenge and inspiration is the Lord Jesus whose prayer life is unequalled. He always prayed (interceded) and is still interceding.

     Another source of inspiration is the word of God which is full of examples of intercessory prayers; the more we study the word of God , the more interested we are likely to be in praying. Our prayers therefore should be based on the word of God. Holy living is a prerequisite to developing and maintaining a consistent prayer life. Sinfulness and prayerfulness go in opposite directions. Therefore, to a consistent prayer warrior, sin must not be allowed in one’s life. There must be no room for the devil. There is also the need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit because in order to pray in line with the will of God, the Holy Spirit must be in control. Walking in the spirit always will help one to be zealous in the things which include prayers and intercession.

     No one can develop or maintain a consistent prayer life without actually engaging in the practice of praying. It is not enough to read or learn about prayer. It has to be practiced! We should not be discouraged if it seems like our prayers are not being answered. We must bear in mind that there is no prayer that God does not answer; provided we pray according to His will (1 Jn.5:14-15). It must be remembered also that God may not answer our prayers exactly the way we expect but His way is always the best.


Every committed Christian is an ambassador of Jesus Christ and therefore a representative of God in his/her country. God needs people to stand in the gap between Him and the world, and only Christians can fit into that position. Every child of God should consider it a great privilege and honor to be associated with the Almighty God in this way. It behooves Christians to take up the challenge by enlisting in this honorable ministry of intercession. In our time, may we not allow God to say “and I sought for a man among them that should take up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezek.22:30).

     We have a responsibility, first of all, to offer supplications, prayers, intercession, and giving of thanks, for all men, for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all Godliness and honesty (1 Tim.2:1-2). We can intercede as an individual, a family, a Christian group or a church and our God who answers prayers will answer. Christians should therefore pray everywhere without wrath and doubting.


2 Chron.7:14

“If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”


MONDAY: Abraham interceded for Sodom and Gomorrah.


TUESDAY: Moses interceded for the children of Israel;


WEDNESDAY: Ezra interceded for his people.

Ezra 9:1-15

THURSDAY: Esther interceded for the people of God.

Esther 4:12-17.

FRIDAY: Jesus Christ interceded for the church.


SATURDAY: Paul interceded for the Ephesian church.
