More knowledge of Jesus assures victory of storms of life.
TEXT: PHIL.3:10-16; 2 COR.11:23-27
In the first part of this study, we defined knowledge to include the condition of being familiar or acquainted with something or level of apprehension for some form of principles. We also observed that knowledge may be acquired through study, investigation, observation, or experience. To know Christ means to experience the new birth, be in communion and fellowship with the Lord and be part of the totality of the mission of Christ. It is the
responsibility of everyone (babes and adults in Christ) to seek to know Him more perfectly. We also identified faith, increasing knowledge of the word of God, the Holy Spirit’s enabling power, Humility, obedience, and Holiness as essential factors for us to grow in the knowledge of Christ.
In this second part we shall focus on the denials and benefit associated with knowing Christ.
1. To identify some denials associated with knowing Christ.
2. To discuss the implications of desiring to know Christ more.
3. To list the benefits of knowing Christ.
MATT.24:9-10; 2 COR.11:23-27; 12:10.
Knowing Christ and His ways brings about a life of
submission to His Lordship. Christ gave an example of what the world thinks about His ministry and same must apply to us. The resurrection of Christ was premised on His suffering and death. Similarly, for us to share in His glory, we must partake also in the fellowship of His suffering. The dimensions of this fellowship are diverse, and may include the following:
(a) Persecution: – which involves inflicting severe
environmental and bodily discomfort in the believer so as to make him renounce his faith in Christ or terminate his physical life. This has been the lot of some saints that walked with God. The end-point of the severity of persecution is martyrdom.
(b) Hatred without cause: Just for witnessing to the
ministry of Jesus, and for upholding the Christian tenets of faith, the believer will be hated. The mere presence of a believer can agitate and provoke any agent of darkness.
However, it is good to maintain that God’s grace is made abundant in the midst of such uprisings. The believer is not to fret or give up because our God is a man of war also.
(c) Loss of worldly treasures, either through the afflictions inflicted supposedly by the enemy or through renunciation as a result of revealed knowledge of truth. Our valuables are targets of the enemy if they desire to quench our faith. Furthermore, knowing Christ may propel us to do away with ungodly sources of treasure, and this may have some biting effect on our physical comfort for a while.
(d) Imprisonment and ostracizing are common forms of sanction imposed on believers for daring to stand up to the word of God in our rural and sometimes urban communities. Christians have been sent to jail and some have been rejected by their families or communities on account of their faith and knowledge of Christ.
(e) Others have been denied their economic entitlement and deprived of their benefits, for refusing to down play on God’s prescribed standards. Virtually in every profession today, the believer is heavily pressurized to adopt the world system as his standards with threats and attempts abounding if he decides to cling to his God.All these, and perhaps more, are the denials associated with a genuine desire to know Christ and remain associated with Him.
On a practical note, the believer should focus on the following if he wants to know Christ better.
(a) Genuine repentance (2 Cor.5:17) evidenced by testimony of identifiable change from darkness to light. This includes change in habit and character, contribution to the work of God, commitment to righteousness and evangelism, etc.
(b) Being involved in true fellowship with fellow believers (Heb.10:25) on regular basis and at an active level.
(c) Developing the habit of regular study of the word of God (Ps.119:105) at private and corporate levels.(d) Develop a prayerful life (1 Thess.5:17). Nothing should hinder us from praying regularly and at the proper season.
(e) Abhor sin and its resemblance. 1 Thess. 5:21-22 and cleave to the cause of righteousness.
(f) Be determined, endure, opposition and hardship, 2 Tim.2:3, 12.
(g) Labor for Christ, with Christ and in Christ. 1 Cor.3:11.
(h) Be humble in victory and sober in failure. Phil.3:13 and put them behind.
(i) Set your focus on the prize of the high calling, make perfection your target. Phil.3:14.
There are many practical benefits that come as a result of knowing Christ. Some of these are temporal and are obtainable here on earth. Others are eternal and apply to this life and the life to come.The first benefit is proper preparation and furnishing of the believer for the race ahead. (2 Tim.3:15-16). As we study to know Christ, we are being equipped with knowledge and divine enablement that will serve to sustain us in this race for eternal life. His enabling grace is made much more manifest as we devote ourselves in humility to seeking out and doing His will.
The next is inner peace, real contentment and satisfaction associated with an intimate walk with the Lord. Salvation ushers in peace with the Lord, peace within oneself and peace with nature.Despite all the trials and bodily afflictions, the believer is calm and focused and is sustained by the knowledge of the presence of the power of the Holy Spirit. This is peace that “passeth all human understanding”.Furthermore, knowing Christ brings salvation and eternal life to the believer. He becomes a citizen of God’s own city, is ushered into a divine relationship with heaven and begins to access divine provisions and the divine nature of God. From the planet earth, the nature of God is implanted into man, beginning a journey on the path of destiny that leads to eternal fulfillment. Salvation spreads from the believer and affects his environment, bringing life and light through his prayers, intercessions, and service. By salvation the believer is qualified as a joint heir with Christ and is adopted into eternal royalty and priesthood. He lives above the standards of the world because his inspiration is from above. He exercises divine dominion because his original heritage and mandate has been restored. He operates in the will of God.
Knowing Christ enable us to believe in Him. We have been justified by the atoning grace of His blood. We must strive to separate or distinguish ourselves for Him in our daily activities. This is sanctification.Daily, we are confronted with opportunities to display whether or not we know Christ-at home (as parents and children), in the office, shop or market, in church, in schools, in our thoughts and utterances, in our appearance. The believer has no option than to proclaim: “That I may know him, his power, his fellowship, being made conformable unto His death” Phil.3:10.
“ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction…”
MON: Risen with Christ. Col.3:1-3.
TUE: Time to awake. Rom.13:11-14.
WED: Renewed in knowledge. Col 3:10.
THU: Vessel of Honor. 1 Thess.4:4-5.
FRI: The spirit of Truth. John 14:16-17, 26.
SAT: Trusting in the Lord. Ps.125:1-5.