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We are a group of born again believers who have accepted the great commission; of compelling men to faith in Jesus Christ for their reconciliation to God the Father.

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Mount Zion Gospel Tabernacle International

Mount Zion Gospel Tabernacle International


We believe that the holy bible in its entirety is the inspired word of God and only infallible rule of faith

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Reverend Victor Okodogbe

Reverend Victor Okodogbe

Victor Okodogbe has been with Church of God Mission International since 1979.  Under the guidance of Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa and his wife Bishop Margaret Idahosa

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Mark 16:15
Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.

NKJV New King James Version

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Posted by Admin on Jun 25, 2024

CENTRAL THOUGHTGod despises no man; He delights in all who fear Him. TEXT: JUDGES 11:1-40 INTRODUCTION:Jephthah was the son of Gilead, from the tribe of Gilead in Israel. His mother was a harlot whose name was not mentioned. He had half brother who regarded him as an illegitimate son of their father. They hated him and denied him any inheritance in their father’s house. He was chased out and fled to the land of Tob, where he gathered to himself, people of like mind and became a leader. Not too long, the gang became a band of great warriors. At about this time, the Ammonites began a war against Israel. The elders of Israel sent for Jephthah to come back home and lead Israel to fight against their enemies. He did not forget the circumstances that led to his departure from his father’s house, but the love of brotherhood constrained him to accede to their request. However, he entered into an agreement with them to ensure that they would keep all their promises. Though, regarded as a worthless person by his people, Jephthah acknowledges the place of God in his life and realized that only God could give him victory over the Ammonites. Before he went to the war, he made a vow to God, which late turned out to be a costly one. We shall consider in this study, how he helped his people to fight their enemies- the Ammonites, his costly vow, and his strength of will to fulfill it in spite of the resultant pain. LESSON OBJECTIVES Know the issue that worked against Jephthah Understand what...

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Posted by Admin on Jun 17, 2024

CENTRAL THOUGHT…for with God, nothing shall be impossible. TEXT: GEN. 24:1, 34-36; 35:1-7; JOHN 15:4-5 INTRODUCTION:The word ‘empower’ means to give power to someone or give official authority or legal power to act on behalf of another. It could also mean enabled, inspired, influenced, or promoted and trained. An empowered family is that where every member properly takes his/her responsibilities. 2 Peter 1:3 says, “According to His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue”. As believers, we are expected to begin the gospel propagation from our homes. LESSON OBJECTIVE To know what it means for a family to be empowered Discuss ways God can empower a family Know the hindrances to family empowerment Know what it means to succeed BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR A FAMILY TO BE EMPOWEREDFor a family to be empowered, it means that God is involved in building and establishing it. He lays the foundation and makes provisions for its spiritual and physical well-being. Psalm 127:1 says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it…”. As the master builder, God made the provision for families’ empowerment and desires that each family (Christian family) will abide in Christ to enable them in fulfilling God’s purpose on Earth. QUESTION 2) DISCUSS THE FOLLOWING WAYS GOD CAN EMPOWER A FAMILYThrough the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12:7-8; Isa. 11:1-3): “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal…”. The workings of the Holy Spirit empower...

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Posted by Admin on Jun 8, 2024

HYMM: S.S & S. 642 “When we walk with the Lord” CENTRAL THOUGHTService to God and mankind is a great privilege. TEXT: LUKE 1:5-25INTRODUCTION:Zachariah, a Jewish priest in his days, was privileged to be chosen one day as the “minister on duty” to enter the Holy place of the temple to offer incense to God for the people. God guided the choice of Zachariah to bring His purpose to pass. Bible records that both Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth were righteous before God. There were blameless in keeping God’s commandments and ordinances, yet they had the challenge of childlessness. The challenge notwithstanding, Zachariah and his wife continues to serve God faithfully. It was while Zachariah was serving in the temple and the congregation worshipping and praying outside that an angel of God brought the news of God’s answer to prayers. At the right time, God answered the prayers of the couple. They gave birth to John the Baptist who was the forerunner of Jesus Christ. We have lessons to learn on the records of this man and his wife as we serve in the house of God. LESSON OBJECTIVES To describe the person Zachariah Explain his being “minister on duty” Discuss the encounter with an angel of the Lord while ministering BIBLE TRUTH:QUESTION 1) WHO WAS ZECHARIAH AND WHAT WERE THE LIFESTYLES OF THE MAN AND HIS WIFE? (LUKE 1:5-7) BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1) WHO WAS ZECHARIAH AND WHAT WERE THE LIFESTYLES OF THE MAN AND HIS WIFE? (LUKE 1:5-7)Zechariah was a Jewish priest, a member of the priestly order of Abijah, married to Elizabeth also of the priesthood...

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Posted by Admin on Jun 1, 2024

CENTRAL THOUGHTPromotion acquired through God’s standard is enduring. TEXT: ESTHER 6:1-10; 10:1-3 INTRODUCTION:Everyone loves to be promoted, either as a servant/ worker or a student. Mordecai, a war captive, started as a servant at the gate in the palace of king Ahasuerus. He later became a great man. Staying true to God’s word may cost us positions and advantages in the short run, but those who choose God over money/ power will one day acquire heavenly wealth beyond measure (Matt. 6:19-21).God is using the situations we face daily to weave a pattern of godliness into our character. The pathway to glory or promotion is humility and obedience. A heart and an attitude of obedience and humility remain the bedrock on the pathway to promotion and success in life.The natural man is arrogant, self-willed, self-centered, and disobedient. Such people as Haman, Prime Minister to King Ahasuerus, find it difficult to submit to the authority of God. God had woven an effective counterstrategy against which Haman’s plan could not stand. “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the ends thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).Any believer who chooses to go the way of humility has chosen the path to greatness, promotion, and honor. Another route which we can be lifted is through the submission to God like Mordecai. True submission involves having little or no regard for one’s personality and achievement in life and taking on the position of obedient and humble servant which will create an avenue for promotion and exaltation. LESSON OBJECTIVES To discuss Mordecai and his initial status in Shushan Examine the...

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Posted by Admin on May 27, 2024

CENTRAL THOUGHT Unwavering faith in GOD brings the desired results. TEXT: DANIEL 3:1-30 INTRODUCTION:Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were companions with Daniel. The three young Jewish men were deported to Babylon along with Daniel. In Babylon’s religious culture, statues were commonly erected and worshipped. Nebuchadnezzar, perhaps in an attempt to unite the nation and solidify his power by centralizing worship, made a gold statue ninety feet tall and nine feet wide. He called his officials together and commanded that at the sound of the horn, flute, harp and other musical instruments, people of all races, nations and languages should bow to the golden image. This was a great challenge to the faith of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. A great conflict: to obey man or God. In this study we shall see what their choice was, what they passed through, the king’s decrees and repentance, the secret of their success and their reward. LESSON OBJECTIVES To examine the circumstances that brought the three Hebrew children to the kings court. To discuss the three Hebrew children’s refusal to bow down to the golden image. To appreciate that God’s commandment is superior to man’s decree/law. BIBLE TRUTH QUESTION 1.) WHAT WERE THE CIRCUMSTANCES THAT BROUGHT THE THREE HEBREW CHILDREN TO THE BABYLONIAN COURT? DANIEL 1:1-6King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon invaded Jerusalem in the third year of the reign of king Jehoiakim of Judah. God gave him victory over Jerusalem. To demonstrate his dominance and victory he took the finest and wisest men and women to Babylon as captives. They were taken as trophies. Among them were Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. While in Babylon,...

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Authority In The Name Of Jesus, May 19th, 2024.

Authority In The Name Of Jesus, May 19th, 2024.

Posted by Admin on May 27, 2024

CENTRAL THOUGHTThe name of Jesus is the believer’s weapon for all purposes. BIBLE TRUTH: QUESTION 1A) HOW DID JESUS OBTAIN THIS GREAT NAME? HEB. 1:1-4, EPH. 1:20-23, MATT. 28:18-20, PHIL. 2:5-11 The Lord Jesus obtained this name: (1) By Inheritance: God the Father bequitted the name to Him as the Son of God and Heir of all things. As a Son, the name Jesus is one of the things He inherited from His Father (Luke 1:31). (2) By conquest: After Jesus rose from the dead, God made Him to sit at the right-hand side of His Majesty in Heaven, far above principalities, powers, dominion and every name in this world and in the world to come. He put all things under Him and made Him the head of the church. (3) By God’s authority: At the commissioning of His disciples to go and preach the gospel to all the nations, Jesus told them that all authority has been given to Him, (by the Father) so they should baptize those who believe in Him, in the name of the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. (4) By Humility and Obedience: Although Jesus had the freedom as God’s Son, to affirm the fulness of God, which His Father placed in Him, He humbled Himself and took the form of a bond servant. “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name (Jesus), which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and of things on earth and of things under the earth….”. QUESTION 1B) FROM THE...

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