Solomon, the Wisest Man, 1/9 – 1/14, 2017

Solomon, the Wisest Man



Memory Verse:

1 Corinthians 10:12 – “Wherefore let Him that thinketh He standeth take heed lest He fall.”



Daily Devotional Guide:

Monday: God’s faithfulness. 1 Kings 3:6, 12-13, 4:29; Joshua 23:14

Tuesday: Obedience is better than sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:19-23; Jeremiah 7:23-24, 38:20

Wednesday: True wisdom. James 3:17; Deuteronomy 5:29, Isaiah 1:19-20; Psalm 81:13

Thursday: Be not unequally yoked. 2 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Kings 11:1-2; Joshua 23:11-13

Friday: Consequences of disobedience. 1Kings 11:9-11; 1 Samuel 28:17-18

Saturday: Walking in the fear of God. Acts 9:31; Psalm 86:11; Jeremiah 32:39; 1 Kings 3:14