The Post-Resurrection Ministry of Christ (April 8th 2018- April 14th 2018)


Central thought: The personal Ministry of Christ is still very active in the genuine Church of today.

Hymn: Christ the Lord is risen today.

Text: Matthew 28:16-20, John 20:19-29, Acts 1:3-11


After the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and before His ascension into heaven, He appeared to His disciples in bodily form on several occasions to convince them that He has risen. During this period of forty days He gave them extra attention in view of the task ahead. Even after His ascension, Jesus continued to physically manifest Himself to the church in some spectacular manner to show that He is alive and that He has been enthroned King forever.

The post-resurrection ministry of Christ is very significant in the history of the church. It was during this time that the great commission was emphatically declared, and the promised empowerment defined. It was also during this period that it dawned on the followers of Christ that His Messiahship was not that of a conquering army general of carnal armory, but that of the Prince of peace of righteousness who has come to reconcile men to God Almighty.

This ministry of Christ is still very active in the genuine church of today, manifesting with authority in signs and wonders that are done in His name. The risen Christ has the full nature of God and He is present with the Church in all circumstances.

It is important that present day believers are continuously sensitized on the active presence of Jesus Christ in our daily activities, which is the actual goal of this study.


Lesson Objectives

The objectives of this study are as follows:

  1. To discuss the instances of the appearance of Jesus after His resurrection.
  2. Examine the reactions of those He appeared to.
  3. To identify the assignment and assurances given to the believers after His resurrection.
  4. Examine the relevance of the assignment and assurances to present day believers.


Bible truth:

Question 1.) From the scriptures, identify individuals or groups who encountered Jesus after His resurrection.

The angels of God were the first to testify that Christ has risen and no longer in the tomb (Luke 24:4-6).

Human witnesses who had encounters with Jesus after His resurrection were many. Some of those recorded in the scriptures are as follows:

  1. Mary Magdalene saw Jesus in the garden around the tomb and mistook Him for the gardener (John 20:14-18).
  2. The ten disciples saw Jesus and talked with Him while they were locked up in the house. Thomas was not present at this encounter (John 20:19-21).
  3. In His second appearance to the eleven disciples, the doubting Thomas touched Jesus and confirmed the marks and wounds (John 20:26-29).
  4. Cleopas and one other disciple met with Jesus on the road to Emmaus and talked about the recent events of the crucifixion, without knowing that it was Jesus, until He left them mysteriously (Luke 24:13-31).
  5. He appeared to Saul of Tarsus, then a great enemy of the church, on the road to Damascus in a life-changing encounter (Acts 9:3-5).
  6. Several other disciples were mentioned to have seen the resurrected Christ at various instances (1 Corinthians 15:5-9).


Question 2.) What were the reactions of those who saw Jesus after His resurrection?

They all knew the fact that Jesus was dead and buried and were all mourning this great calamity. In this mood, when they saw Jesus physically, they were initially filled with fear, thinking they had seen a ghost. They doubted if it was really Christ or some other strange spirit. Eventually, they believed and when Jesus spoke and reassured them they were filled with joy. They became more attentive and inquisitive about His real mission. For a period of forty days He appeared to them, fellowshipped with them and encouraged them. These contributed to strengthening their conviction and resolve to carry on with the ministry of Christ.


Question 3.) What assignment did Jesus expressly give to His disciples in his Post Resurrection appearances?

Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18, Luke 24:49, John 21:17

The assignment is popularly referred to as “the great commission”. It is the great mandate of the Church whose components are as follows:

  • To preach the good news to all nations i.e. to sound the alarm of God’s new visitation to mankind.
  • To teach i.e. to give careful and learned explanation of the scriptures to those who believe.
  • Preach repentance i.e. lead those who believe through a process- of renouncing sin and satan, and pledging to live in newness of life under the grace of God.
  • To baptize i.e. to make those who believe identify with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • To make disciples i.e. to raise people who are consecrated and dedicated to the cause of the gospel using all their talents and resources.
  • To heal the sick and deliver all that are oppressed by the powers of darkness through faith in the Name of Jesus.
  • To confront and defeat every power of darkness.
  • To make room for the ministry of the Holy Spirit.


Question 4.) What provisions did Christ give to His disciples in the task of the great commission?

To carry out the terms of the great commission, Christ provided the church with assurances in the form of supernatural support for all mission endeavors. Some of these are:

  • Believers are to be endued with power from on high i.e. they are to receive the full unction of the Holy Spirit as it happened on the day of Pentecost.
  • Believers are to receive power to qualify them for fruitful service in this call. This power is to be manifested in supernatural boldness and knowledge.
  • Their witnessing and preaching shall be confirmed regularly with the divine seal of miracles.
  • They will enjoy the abiding presence of the Lord Jesus throughout their sojourn on earth.
  • They will be able to speak in tongues, strange to hearers and discomfiting to the powers of darkness.
  • They are to be endowed with supernatural gifts for self-renewal and for the work of the ministry.
  • The material provisions for this commission will be made by God Himself (Luke 10:3-4).
  • There was also the impartation of the person of Christ upon the disciples when He breathed on them (John 20:21-22).
  • He promised them peace and joy in the midst of tribulations (John 16:33).


Question 5.) Of what relevance are the assignments and the provisions of Christ to the present day believer?

The great commission of the Church and the provisions of Christ for the work are universal (for all nations), for all times, for all believers and unto the close of the age (until Christ’s return). It is still of very much relevance as when it was first given. They remain the mission and provision for the church of Christ even to this day.

Every effort must be made by the present day Church to put the great commission in proper perspective. It must not be seen as a profession of influence and affluence but one of service and sacrifice. The church must continue to sound the alarm of salvation from imminent danger and eternal catastrophe. The Church must preach, teach and baptize to make disciples for Christ and not just evolve a successful business class whose foundation is not in Christ. Modern forms of Satanism must be reproved and rebuked by the Church through the power of God.

The Church must take cognizance of the face that the provisions for the great commission can only be activated by the absolute dependence on the Holy Spirit who is the true mentor of the church.

Every strategy must be submitted to Him for proper effect. We must also ensure that enough disciples are made out of the crowd that throng our churches. We must minister by the power of the Holy Spirit, not just to the emotions of members, but seek to impart their soul and spirit by the word of God.

We should aim at raising a worthy generation that will take after us to enhance the frontiers of the gospel. There should be no room for permissiveness in whatever disguise.


Daily Living Application:

It was after the resurrection of Christ that the great commission of the church and the divine provisions were made clear by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The early church keyed fully into both and were able to turn the world right side up for Christ. Despite their obvious personal limitations, every one acknowledged that God was at work in them.

The present day church must not compromise the details of the great commission and must not subvert, weaken or undermine the personality of the Holy Spirit.


Memory verse:

Mark 16:15

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”.