HOPE IN CHRIST OUR STRONG ANCHOR, January 14th – 19th, 2019



1John 3:2 “ Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is,”



Monday – List the fears you know believers have today. Job 3:25, Psalm 23

Tuesday – How can these fears be dealt with? 1Thesselonians 5: 17, Luke 18:1

Wednesday – Are these fears overcome once and for all? 1Corinthians 10;12. 1John 3:2-3 & 8. Hebrew 11:16, Habakkuk 1:13

Thursday – Why pray for unbelievers?  1Timothy 2:1-4

Friday – Why seek the peace of unbelievers? Jerimiah 29:4-9

Saturday – How can a believers life be the salt and light of the world? Matthew 5: 13-16