- To understand what God’s word is.
- To know why the written word of God should be appreciated.
- To appreciate the relevance of God’s word.
Bible Truth:
Q1. What is God’s word?
The bible is God’s written word and promise to men. It has been given to
guide, instruct and comfort man in life’s journey. From the various
symbols with which the Bible has been illustrated we see the need to
study, know and do the word of God. Like a two-edged sword (Heb.4:12)
the Bible pierces the heart of the hearer; like a hammer (Jer.23:29) it is
powerful and breaks the resistance of the hearer; like a fire (Jer,20:9;
23:29) it is a burning word consuming the dross in the hearer; while like
a seed (1 Peter.1:23) the Bible is a living word regenerating the hearer.
Moreover, in branding the Bible a mirror, its ability to faithfully reveal the
individual to himself is portrayed (James.1:23-25). This same word is
said to be a lamp and a light (Ps.119:105), illuminating and guiding the
believer day by day. As food, (1 Peter.2:2; Heb.5:12-14; 1Cor.3:2), the
Bible is nourishment feeding the soul. The word of God therefore
convicts, regenerates, reveals, illuminates and nourishes the individual.
It is profitable for doctrine, for reproof , for correction, for instruction in
righteousness (2Tim.3:16).
There is need to study to show oneself approved as Paul instructed
Timothy (1Tim.2:15-16). Until you “receive with meekness the engrafted
word which is able to save your souls” (James.1:20) you remain “dead in
sins and trespasses” (Eph.2:1). Therefore, the word of God could be
said to be that eternal will, which when we know and obey, we stay
alive, grow and all the works of our hands prosper.
The word which was at the beginning, which was with God and which
was God (John.1:1) “…. Was made flesh and dwell among us….full of
grace and truth”. This is the personification of the word of God and is
Jesus Christ our Lord. God has magnified this word above His name
(Psalm.138:2). The Lord says of His word in Isa.55:11 “…. It shall not
return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it
shall prosper in the thing whereto I send it”. This is infallibility which is
God’s exclusive preserve. “Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in
heaven” (Psalm.119:89). Therefore God’s word is God.
Q2. Why should the Bible be appreciated?
The Bible, also called the Scriptures or the writings, or the word of God
is an authoritative revelation, written form of God’s nature and purpose.
It comprises sixty-six books from Genesis to Revelation; 39 in the old
testament and 27 in the new testament. They are all written by the same
author, the Holy Spirit, and have one message. There is no other book
like it. It is believed that between 36 and 40 different writers were used,
written over a period of some, 1,600 years by all sorts of men, including
shepherds, kings, fishermen, and philosophers, they never contradicted
one another, but all are in perfect agreement and harmony. The Bible
was originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek. Moses, writing
1600 years before the last book of the Bible was penned, was just as
modern and scientific as Paul’s, John’s or any other author or present
day investigator. “All scripture is given by inspiration of God”
(2Tim.3:16), man by himself could not have written the Bible. Yet man
has tried to ban, burn and bury the Bible. It is alive and available to
preach the funeral of any person or nation who wants to do away with it.
This infallible word of God will be the standard of judgement on the last
day ( John.12:48). Let us read the Bible daily and obey the message.
God’s people must handle this book carefully and reverently because it
is God’s book to us. Let us rejoice that God has spoken and endeavor
by the power of the Holy Spirit to work in the light of its revelations.
Q3. What is the relevance of the word of God?
“In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God and the
word was God” (John.1:1). Jesus Christ is called the word. Words are a
means whereby we can communicate one with another. Jesus is called
the word of God. He is God’s means of communicating with His
creatures. Whether in the natural or spiritual, God speaks through His
Son the word. In nature we learn something about the word, for by the
word of God the heavens were made. All things were made by Him. In
the spiritual sense Jesus is pre-eminently the word, God’s only means of
communicating Himself to us. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and
the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me” (John.14:6).
Scriptures have it that “ no man hath seen God at any time, the only
begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared
(revealed) Him” (John.1:18). Jesus is our Mediator, our Savior, and our
new and living way to God.
In appreciation of the relevance of God’s word, the Psalmist asked God
to open his eyes so that he could see the marvelous blessings of God in
the word (Psalm.119:17-18). God’s word to him is a lamp to his feet and
a light to his path (Vs.105). This is true not only for the Psalmist but for
all believers. God’s word is settled in heaven and is attested to by His
faithfulness (Vs.89-91). The Psalmist declared his delight for God’s
wonderful word which gives light (Vs.129-131). Most of the laws of men
and governments originate from the ten commandments, in making the
Bible the foundation of all laws. Moreover, most religious and even
occultic bodies try to justify their existence by quoting sections of the
Bible, making men think they are authentic. Yet they only “have a form
of godliness and deny the power thereof” (2 Tim.3:5).
May we this day avail ourselves of Him as revealed in His written word.
Let the Spirit of God use the word of God to change the people of God.
Declare like the Psalmist “I will delight myself in thy statutes; I will not
forget thy word” (vs.16). The ability of the word of God to transform us is
as potent as ever.
Daily Living Application:
God is His word, therefore the only way to know God is to know His
word and live by it. This means knowing, believing and doing the written
word- the Bible, as well as knowing and believing on the word made
flesh-our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. There is no other name by which
man can be saved except by the name of Jesus Christ. It is therefore in
men’s own interest to “hear and do” the word of God.
Memory verse:
“The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding to the
Daily Devotional Guide:
Mon: Obey God’s word and get the best. Deut.6:20-25; Prov.9:10; 24:3-
6; Ps.119:98-100.
Tue: The Promises of God are sure. Ps. 119:75; James.4:3; Jer.29:11-
14; Matt.5:18-19.
Wed: Obey God’s word and prosper. Isa.1:22-25; Josh.1:8; Prov.22:4.
Thu: Safety and protection from God’s word. Ps.119:92; 33:8-11, 16-22;
Prov.24:6; 4:20-23.
Fri: Our ways are inferior to God’s. Isa.55:3-13.
Sat: Remind God of His word for your situations. Isa.43:18-26.