Being diligent in everything we do is profitable.Hymn:“ When we walk with the Lord”.

TEXT: 2 THESS.3:6-15; PROV.6:6-11.


Diligence is a necessary virtue (habit) to be cultivated by an individual if he/she is to make success of life’s endeavors. It is an attitude that affects remarkably every area of one’s life-spiritual and physical. A diligent lifestyle is revealed in steady effort and careful hard work. An individual with a diligent lifestyle shows tremendous care and effort in his/her duties and work. On the other hand, an indolent (lazy, slothful) lifestyle is manifested in an attitude of unwillingness to work.Today, some persons are unable to maximize their potentials and achieve success in life because of a lack of an attitude of personal devotion to work. The failure of some believers in life’s endeavors is not because they have not been endowed with qualities that enhance success but rather such failures can be traced to indolence (laziness) or a lack of devotion to life’s duties.This study therefore seeks to encourage believers to maintain a diligent lifestyle because diligence is a virtue that is profitable in all areas of life.


The purpose of this lesson is to make us:-1. Understand what diligence is.2. Know the elements of diligence.3. Examine the lifestyle of a diligent man.4. Appreciate the fact that there are rewards for keeping a diligent lifestyle.


QUESTION 1) WHAT DO YOU UNDERSTAND BY DILIGENCE? (Prov.6:6-11; 10:4). Diligence is an attitude that manifests practically in careful and thorough work or effort. It involves showing consistent care and steady effort in your work or duties. The Scripture (Prov.6:6-11) points to the ant as an example of a diligent creature and encourages the sluggard (lazy, slothful) human beings to learn a lesson of hard work from the ants.A Bible commentary states: “the ant is a remarkable creature- an emblem of industry among creatures: ants are the most laborious insects in existence; most highly industrialized, collect food in proper seasons, fondly attached to the young, have keen interest for others, work quietly without show; work unweariedly until work is done; work together in astonishing systems of organizations to the best good of the whole community; ingenious carpenters and masons, building their own systems at homes and underground tunnels; keep their homes scrupulously clean; no one among them exists without a definite job in life to help meet the needs of the community; fight to death to protect their own homes and young from enemies; their social life compares with that of human beings in many respects: they are intelligent and wise, and they carry out life’s work without being forced to do so by a guide, overseer or ruler” (Dakes Commentary on Prov.6:6-10; 30:25).Thus, diligent lifestyle is one of hard work and continuous devotion to one’s duties or assignments; a life that is free of laziness and procrastination but steadfastly dedicated to one’s duties. Paul exhibited, pursued and manifested a diligent lifestyle. (2 Thess.3:2-9; Acts.18:3).


(a). Obedience (Joshua.22:5; Isaiah.1:19)An obedient heart is a prerequisite for a diligent lifestyle. A disposition of obedience will make the believer respond to God’s call to a service for HIM at any time and place. The believer should therefore pray for grace from GOD to be obedient to HIM. (b). Love of what we are doing.This is important. A believer must have love for (and delight in) what he does at any time whether such tasks are classified as spiritual or secular. Such a disposition of love for our ministry, gifts/talents; careers/jobs/business e.t.c will make us to be delight in performing our duties.(c). Patience.In matters of life and in practical terms the results or rewards may not come “in one day” (swiftly) but we must persistently pursue our genuine course of actions patiently believing that blessings/rewards will come from the LORD. The scripture says in Heb.10:36 “after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise”.(d). Accept the challenges posed by our situations.We are bound to encounter challenges in our endeavors. The Christian man who is diligent sees beyond such challenges and views them as obstacles to be overcome on the pathway to success. The believer faithfully confronts these challenges bearing in mind the words of the MASTER “These things I have spoken unto you that in ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulations: but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world”. (John.16:33).(e). Being hopeful for success.The diligent Christian has hope and high expectation for success. He puts faith in the LORD who has promised to give His people a future and a hope (Jer.29:11 NIV) and who told Joshua (and his people) “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” (Joshua.1:8). As he diligently labors, the believer hopes continually things will be better with him.(f). PrayersThe diligent Christian must be prayerful. He believes God to bless his efforts with success. He realizes that it is “not by might, not by power but by MY SPIRIT saith the LORD” (Zech.4:6). “So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that sheweth mercy”(Rom.9:16). In our diligence we must prayerfully depend on the LORD for increase.


Laziness or an attitude of indolence manifests in the following ways:(a). Giving excuses for not working.Lazy or indolent people will always have one excuse or the other for not working. Such excuses may be in respect of the weather or perceived or imagined dangers on the way. The scriptures declare “The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing.” (Prov.20:4); “The slothful man saith, there is a lion without, I shall be slain in the streets” (Prov.22:13); also “The slothful man may decide not to work because he finds fault with his employers and fellow employees (Matt.25:24-27).(b). Loving excessive sleep.The Bible detests a situation where a man sleeps and oversleeps. (Prov.6:9; Prov.19:15). Excessive sleep and leisure obviously will rob a man from realizing his ambitions in life.(c). Wastage of resources.The slothful man is compared in scripture to the man who goes for hunting and refuses to roast his meat on return (Prov.12:27) and also to the man who cultivates a farm and does not weed it (Prov.24:3-34). This type of attitude does not only lead to wastage of resources but prevents the victim from making profit.(d). Wishful thinking.Some people spend a lot of time daily in daydreaming and wishful thinking. This may be evidence of laziness because the time spent in day dreaming and wishful thinking could have been spent in doing concrete work that will produce excellent results.(e) Procrastination.This is the attitude of leaving today’s work for tomorrow i.e. postponing what should be done now to some other time. Procrastination (“the thief of time”) can be exhibited at home, church, work place etc. but it must be expressly stated that a believer should not procrastinate. As a Christian student do not “heap up” your assignments and do not leave them undone. The believer should submit his/her assignment on the day they are due to be submitted.(f). Self conceited, proud, unreachable attitude.Prov. 26:16 states “The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason”. In some situation, the pride exhibited by some persons is a cover up for their laziness. The very important thing to note is that neither pride nor laziness are virtues to be coveted by believers.


Generally, the believer belongs to a home, worships in local church (fellowship, assembly) and works (interacts) in the larger society. A lifestyle of diligence must be manifested in every sphere of his life. Some characteristics of such a lifestyle are listed below.(a). The diligent believer has a goal, a target which he pursues. (Prov.10:4; 12:24;21:25)The diligent Christian man sets realizable goals for himself at home, in the church and in the society. His goal/desire at home will be to have a stable home where members of the household are taught the way of the LORD, being prepared for His coming while making progress in the things of life. In the church, a diligent believer will desire and work towards having a church/fellowship where the Holy spirit is enthroned and have preeminence in everything done. Also, a diligent believer works towards achieving laudable goal in his career, job or business.(b). Pays attention to his duties/jobs (Prov.27:23)A diligent believer pays attention to his/her duties at home, in the church and in the society. He applies himself to the daily chores at home. He participates actively in the program of the church using his gifts/talents/resources to the glory of God and for the edification of members. The diligent believer seeks to excel in his career/job/business. He does not procrastinate by ensuring that the job meant for today is not left for another day.(c). Possesses a teachable spirit.The diligent believer has a teachable spirit. He willingly accepts his mistakes and is ready to learn new and better ways of doing things than he already knows. For example,a diligent believer who began his secretarial career with the use of typewriter soon begins to learn to use a computer and the various software’s in it.(d). Sees no obstacle as impossible to overcome.The diligent believer sees no obstacles, perceived or real enemies on the way but prayerfully faces seemingly difficult situations with the firm belief that the LORD has given him victory already by HIS death and resurrection. (e). Puts his trust in God and depends on HIM for success.The diligent believer keeps and sustains his faith in the LORD. He realizes that success in the things of life comes only from the LORD. (Deut.8:18) In concluding this section, it is important to state that there are many examples of believers who were very diligent both in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. These include: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Daniel, Peter, Paul e.t.c. We will learn a lot about maintaining a diligent lifestyle if we decide to have a careful study of any or all of these characters.

QUESTION 5) WHAT ARE THE REWARDS FOR MAINTAINING A DILIGENT LIFESTYLE?The diligent believer has rewards both in this life and the life to come by the grace of God. Some of these rewards include:(a). Profit (Prov.14:23; 21:5; Matt.25:19-21)(b). Promotion (Prov.22:9)(c) Fulfillment in life (Prov.14:4; Matt.25:21)(d). Wealth (Prov.10:4; 12:27; Matt.25:20)(e) Peace (Eccl.5:12).(f). Eternal rewards (crown of life e.t.c).The Sunday school class may wish to discuss each of these rewards.


A diligent lifestyle should be the characteristic of every believer. The scripture admonishes us in Rom.12:11 “Not slothful in business, fervent in spirit, serving the LORD” and also in Prov 12:24 “The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute”. As believers we must cultivate a habit/attitude of hard work. It is profitable to do so in all areas of our lives.


PROV.22:29“Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men..”







SAT: DILIGENT LIFESTYLE HAS REWARDS.Prov.14:23; 21:5; 22:9; Matt.25:20-21.