TEXT: GEN.12:1-3; 15:1-7, 13-16; 37:5-11; ECCL.3:1-8 AND ACTS 9:11-15
Knowing and accepting God’s plan for your life enables you remain steadfast no matter what you may be passing through.
Hymn: To God be the glory! Great things He hath done.
Right from creation, man has been faced with the problem of knowing who he is, why he is where he is, where he would go from, where he is, and what lies ahead of him. In his efforts to find answers to the problem, man has fashioned out various philosophies and methods which unfortunately have not helped him in getting the needed solution. Man has also found it difficult to understand why certain things should happen to him.
This consequently has kept him in a state of dissatisfaction with himself, leading him to propound theories like self-actualization, self-discovery etc. But all these cannot provide solution to his problem. The answer to his problem can only come at a point when man realizes that he did not come to the face of this earth by accident, but that he was made by God and that God has a purpose and plan for his stay on earth.
Christians are not supposed to be taken in this web of ignorance, but it does appear that some Christians are not willing to accept God’s plan for their lives and this has led them into believing that “it may not, after all be sufficient to trust in God alone, but rather one has to do some other things to protect oneself from the seeming dangers of living”. A lie that has robbed many of the full benefits of salvation. It is instructive to note that a proper understanding and total acceptance of God’s plan for one’s life brings out the best in living and an appreciation of other creations of God.
- To Know that God has a plan for your life.
- To know why God has a plan for your life.
- To know how you can discover God’s plan for your life.
- To know the benefit of accepting God’s plan for you.
A plan can be defined as a table of intended proceedings; formulated, or an organized method by which a thing is to be done. God’s plan for your life therefore can be understood as an organized method or pre-arranged order by God, indicating how your life should be lived on earth.
The scripture tells us that God is not the author of confusion. Whatever God does is properly thought out,
organized, or planned and executed in accordance with His overall plan. Nothing happens by accident with God. He knows the end from the beginning. This divine knowledge enables God to arrange all things in proper order for the period of their existence. God has therefore set out an order of occurrence, a procedure of events, or a line of action for your life on the face of the earth. It only behooves man to now seek out and walk along that divine pathway. God’s plan for your life can also be defined as God’s expectation for your life. God has a set goal for everyone on earth and He expects every individual to accomplish this goal. The set goal therefore is God’s plan for your life. It is important to know this so that we may not live our lives as though we are here on our own. No one brought himself or herself to this earth. The one who’s responsible for our existence on earth must have a purpose we must achieve. It is necessary for us to know that God has a plan for our lives, accept the plan, and ensure that we walk in line with this plan (Rom.9:11).
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 27 clearly states that God created man in His image and likeness. Man at creation came into existence by an act of God, having the nature of God embedded in him. God therefore has a stake in man. For this reason, God evolved a plan for man’s life on earth. It is instructive to know that man as God’s highest creation occupies a prime place in God’s scheme of things. When God created man, His desire was for man to abide in fellowship with Him forever when man eventually fell out of favor with God by sinning, God also evolved a plan by which man in his individual capacity would not only be reconciled to Him but regain all he had lost Jn.3:16.
While this may be seen as God’s plan for the generality of men, it must be pointed out that for the reconciled man, God has specific plans which is called to fulfill within God’s overall plan. God has eternal reasons for which He will continue to maintain His plans for man.
1.) God’s desire is that His power might be seen in man and that His name may be declared throughout all the earth (Ex.9:16).
2.) God wants us to have dominion over all other creature (Gen.1:26) and to prosper all the days of our life (Job 36:11).
3.) He has a kingdom which He wants to give His people. To ensure that the people for whom the kingdom is meant for are able to get into it, He had to evolve a plan that will enable Him to achieve this
objective (Lk.12:32).
4.) You are a representative of God on earth (2 Cor.5:20). An ambassador of a nation has a code of conduct. He cannot behave as he likes because his actions are regarded as of the actions of the country he represents. In the same way God cannot leave His representative (you) without a plan or code of conduct to regulate his stay on earth.
5.) To enable you return and see God at the end of your sojourn on earth and avoid going into everlasting damnation and eternal separation from your God.
6.) God wants to maintain a relationship with you and to ensure that you do not fall into the snares of the enemy of your soul-the devil.
7.) When God’s plan is known, His children are able to identify and follow Him by living in accordance with His plan, thereby avoiding being confused by the world’s standard and system.
The ultimate of God’s plan for you therefore is an eternal reward which can only be received through careful, systematic study and adherence to the dictates and demands of His unchanging word.
Having evolved a plan for your life, God would not like for you to walk in ignorance of this plan, God is interested, and He seeks every opportunity to reveal His plan for your life.
There are so many ways in which God can reveal his plan.
a. Through His word, spoken or written: God still speaks to His children, so He can speak to you directly to give you specific instructions on what He would want you to do in any given situation (Gen.12:1). As you read the word of God (Bible) you can also discover what His plan for your life is (Micah 6:8).
b. By natural endowment, and spiritual gifts: God can endow you with a special gift or knowledge that will enable you lead a course of life that will put you in the plan of God, as you continue to utilize the gift (Ex.35:31-35), He also through His Spirit gives you gifts that would lead you to plan for your life as you continue to make use of such gifts.
c. By dreams: In Genesis Chapter 37, God revealed the plan He had for Joseph through dreams. God can still reveal His plans to you today through dreams. The caution here is that dream must be in agreement with the written word.
d. By Prophesy: God can by His Spirit speak expressively through another person, revealing His plan for your life. (Is.9:6-7; Luke 1:13-17).
e. By Godly and wise counsel: As you seek counsel from your Pastor, Elders or other mature Christian Brethren, God can impress upon them His plan for your life, and they will then counsel you in line with God’s plan.
f. Through circumstances: God at times orders circumstances around you to affect you in such a way that it will compel you to take a course of action that will be in consonance with God’s plan for your life. (Luke 15:18-20).
g. Through teaching of the Holy Spirit: Romans 8:27 tells us that the Holy Spirit knows the will of God. As your teacher (Jn.14:26) He will teach you the will or plans of God concerning your life.
Jesus says in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me”. Knowing the plans of God for your life and following it is knowing Jesus, for in Him is revealed the whole plan of God. He said, “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness”. So, it is a great privilege to know the plans of God for your life.
It means you will not “walk in darkness”. You cannot be easily deceived because you know what God expects ofyou. You will have the backing of God because you are doing what He wants you to do, whatever you do prospers as God has already put in place all the necessary components of prosperity in the plan. (Psalm 1:2-3). God will become your guide, refuge, and keeper. The angels of God will encamp around your dwelling place. He will preserve you from evil, He will deliver you from the hands of your enemies. You will have authority over the devil and his host. God will always answer when you call on Him.
You will be satisfied with long life by God. (Psalms 91 & 121).
The plans of God for your life may not initially seem pleasant or convenient, but total submission to it brings, peace and the end of it is also peace.
Knowing God’s plan and living daily in accordance with the plan puts a Christian in a position where he can always get in touch with God in times of need. “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need”(Heb.4:16).
If you are living without knowing the plan of God for your life, you are then a pilgrim who does not know where he is going to. It is important that a Christian should seek to know God’s plan for his life and strive to remain daily in it.
There are so many things that can hinder a Christian from knowing God’s plan for his life, but a Christian who diligently studies the word of God on a daily basis knows what God requires of him each day for the will of God is revealed in His word. The word of God is the light that leads a Christian on his life’s journey in this dark world of sins. “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path” (Psalm 119:105).
JOHN 8:12
“Then Spake Jesus again unto them, saying “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life”.
MON: He is the light of the world. John 8:12
TUE: You will be satisfied. Psalm 121
WED: His plan for your life. Is. 9:6-7
THU: Dominion over every creature. Gen. 1:26
FRI: Prospering. Job 36:11
SAT: A time for everything. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8