
HE IS RISEN, April 22nd – 27th, 2019 Comments Off on HE IS RISEN, April 22nd – 27th, 2019

HE IS RISEN, April 22nd – 27th, 2019

Posted by on Apr 21, 2019 in Uncategorized

CENTRAL THOUGHT The resurrection of Christ is the basis for the glorious hope of the saints.   MEMORY VERSE: 1Cor. 15:19 – “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable.”   DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE MON: Christ is risen indeed. Matt. 28:1-10; TUE: Christ was raised for our justification. Romans 4:25 WED: Believers have victory over death. 1Cor 15: 53-57 THU: We shall be Christ’s when He shall appear. 1John 3:2 FRI: If you are risen with Christ, seek those things above. Col 3:1-4 SAT: Tell someone today that Christ is risen. Matt....

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INQUIRE FROM THE LORD (PART 1), February 3rd, 2019

Posted by on Feb 8, 2019 in Uncategorized

CENTRAL THOUGHT The believer who inquire from the Lord enjoys the benefit of being guided by God.   Text: 1 Samuel 23:1-12, 30:7-8; Numbers 27:1-7; Joshua 9:3-15   INTRODUCTION Anyone living in this world is confronted daily with the issues of life.  Some of these issues may be normal experiences of human beings while some occur suddenly or unexpectedly. Whether usual or unusual, many of these issues of life require decisions, actions to be taken and choices to be made.  It is at such moments that the limitation of man’s knowledge becomes evident.  Certainly, the knowledge of man is grossly limited concerning the past, present and future of both himself and the situations around him.  ...

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Christian Conduct, Part 1, November 6th, 2016

Posted by on Dec 1, 2016 in Uncategorized

Christian Conduct, Part 1, November 6th, 2016     Central Thought: The Christian is led by the Spirit of God to be a righteous model to the world in all things.   Hymn: “When We Walk With the Lord” Text: Daniel 6:1-5; Matthew 5:13-16; Romans 12:10-21     Today, we live in a world where evil is fast taking over in virtually every sphere of the society, and to live righteously is becoming old-fashioned to many. Evil is getting wider acceptance , and portends to be the norm in many climes.  People who profess Christianity are sometimes caught up in this web, trying to feel the action.  Genuine believers are terribly embarrassed by the response of peers and colleagues to issues of Godliness.  Despite all these, the child of God still remains the mirror, the salt, the light and the hope of the world that is speedily marching on the path of damnation.  He must shine as light on a table at night, and a city set on a hill.  His conduct and lifestyle is Holy Spirit-driven, and his focus is on eternity.     Lesson Objectives: To identify the guiding principles of Christian conduct. To give scriptural examples of good conduct. To identify conducts that the Christian must...

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The Fruitful Life, 7/4 – 7/9, 2016 Comments Off on The Fruitful Life, 7/4 – 7/9, 2016

The Fruitful Life, 7/4 – 7/9, 2016

Posted by on Oct 26, 2016 in Uncategorized, Weekly Devotional

The Fruitful Life   Memory Verse: John 15:4 – “Abide in me and I in you, As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me”   Daily Devotional Guide: Monday: Israel failed to bear fruit. Isaiah 5:1-7 Tuesday: Jesus the true vine. John 15:1-3 Wednesday: Secret of fruitfulness. John 15:4-8 Thursday: Discipline for more fruitfulness. Hebrews 12:5-13 Friday: The love of God prompts a life of fruitfulness. John 15:9-17 Saturday: Outcome of a fruitful life. Galatians...

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Call to Discipleship, Part 1, August 23, 2015

Posted by on Oct 13, 2015 in Uncategorized

Call to Discipleship, Part 1  Central Thought: A believer is a disciple who chooses to follow Christ the rest of his life.   Text: Mark 3:13-19; Luke 9:1-5   The call to discipleship begins at a time when a man or woman willingly and consciously gives his or her life to Christ.  At this point, he is expected to separate himself from the cares of this world and be ready to walk all the way with Jesus the rest of his life.  In Mark 3:7-8, it is recorded that a great multitude followed Jesus from about seven towns, having heard the things He was doing; healing the afflicted and casting out unclean spirits. Jesus Christ in the text above called out twelve men who believed in Him, to be with Him so that he would empower them to preach the gospel, heal the sick and cast out devils.  Only believers who spend time with Jesus and make themselves available to be conformed to His image are to preach, heal and cast out devils.  In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said to Peter, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men.”   Who is a disciple and what does discipleship mean? A disciple is a follower; a learner; a scholar;...

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